The challenge

QKR – owners of Navachab, the second largest gold mine in Namibia – needed to ensure the sustenance of day-to-day working capital, while investing in the mining fleet and waste stripping.

The RMB solution

Working in close partnership with QKR, RMB leveraged unconventional thinking to put forward a bespoke solution. One that took the form of a gold hedge done in ZAR as opposed to USD. The hedge was the best choice for the client’s long-term strategic goals, ruling out macro-challenges and ensuring the sustenance of liquidity.

Proven results

As one of the largest commodity trades to date, this deal for one of Namibia’s largest GDP contributors, will allow both the mine and surrounding community to continue to flourish.

Client QKR


Capabilities Commodity hedging, structuring
RMB's role Trusted adviser
Country Namibia

RMB has an extensive deal footprint in over 35 countries in Africa.


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